Member Help Center

Get Your Bearings On Your Benefits

1. Watch the quick Benefits Overview Demo video for your membership type.




2. Take a deeper dive on specific benefits that you're interested in: view our Benefits Overview Video Library

3. Download Your Harvard ManageMentor Learner Guide

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Make a Plan

1. Learn about individual development plans and how they can help you focus on your career goals.

2. Fill out the form to download & complete your own role-based IDP: 

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Wish tracking your professional development was as simple as pushing a button? Now it is!

Thanks to the new CUES Activity Summary, you can seamlessly track, measure, and share your professional development growth with your leaders. This intuitive tool helps you showcase your commitment to career advancement, all while keeping your progress organized and in one place.

Check it out today on myCUES Dashboard!

Get Your Bearings On Your Benefits

1. Watch the quick Benefits Overview Demo video for your membership type:




2. Take a deeper dive on specific benefits that you're interested in: view our Benefits Overview Video Library.

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Now What?

Now you understand what's available to you, but how do you make your membership work for YOU? These webinar playbacks can help you learn how specific benefits can help you make the most of your membership.

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Make a Plan

1. Learn about individual development plans and how they can help you focus on your career goals.

2. Fill out the form to download & complete your own role-based IDP: 

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Wish tracking your professional development was as simple as pushing a button? Now it is!

Thanks to the new CUES Activity Summary, you can seamlessly track, measure, and share your professional development growth with your leaders. This intuitive tool helps you showcase your commitment to career advancement, all while keeping your progress organized and in one place.

Check it out today on myCUES Dashboard!

You are the liaison between your organization and board and with that comes responsibility. We are here to assist with some tools to help you access the appropriate benefits specifically for your board needs.

CUES provides top-class director offerings to help Directors realize their potential and support your credit union. In addition to CUES’ Governance+ (CCUBE) (Unlimited+ Members Only) and other online director education courses, our director events provide ways to help your board run at its optimum. Plus, CUES offers director-specific solutions that will help your board become stronger and more efficient.

To manage your membership and Director’s records, please review the Admin/Trainer Member Help Center.


Get Your Bearings On Your Benefits

1. Watch the quick Benefits Overview Demo video for your membership type.




2. Take a deeper dive on specific benefits that you're interested in: view our Benefits Overview Video Library.

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Join the Board Liaison CUESNet Community

This community is designed for the Board Liaison at a credit union to work, collaborate, network, and learn with colleagues in their same role. This community is exclusive to the non-CEO liaison.

Contact our membership team for eligibility to join!
608.271.2664 opt. 2 |

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You’ve been given the task of implementing the CUES membership benefits and we are here to help you with some tools to get your organization off and running. Here you will find exciting and fun ways to engage, implement, and leverage the benefits available in your group membership!

Let's Get To Know Each Other

Take this quick benefit survey and tell us more about your credit union and how you're looking to utilize your membership.

Learn From Your Peers


Unlocking the Value of CUES Membership

Read about how Visions FCU integrated CUES benefits into their learning culture.


Watch Derek Matts from Visions FCU talk about integrating CUES benefits into their learning culture.


Member Story

Read about how Raksha Shirali helped to take the talent development efforts at USALLIANCE Financial to an entirely new level with their CUES benefits.


Need a usage report? Thanks to the new CUES Activity Summary, you no longer need to request one!

Get an instant 360-degree view of the learning progress, engagement, and achievements from all CUES members across your credit union. Plus, easily download and share reports whenever you need them.

Check it out today on myCUES Dashboard!

You may also reach out to our team in the methods below for assistance with login, password reset, event questions, and inquiries regarding CUES products and services.

Email:  |  Call: US 608.271.2664 or 800.252.2664, opt. 2; Canada Tel: 604.347.7097