
Reach Your Target Audience

CUES offers direct connections with the best decision-makers in the industry. Our significant penetration throughout the credit union space provides you with scores of potential buyers for your products or services.

Because we allow one solutions provider per offering, your products and services receive exclusive and integrated messaging to a broad audience.

CUESolutions is an exciting opportunity for progressive credit union suppliers, offering:

  • Unique benefits not available to other suppliers
  • Exclusivity–service categories are limited to a small number of providers
  • Marketing across multiple channels
  • A three-year category lock

When you become a CUESolutions provider, you receive a CUES Supplier membership, opening the doors to an influential audience of over 40,000 leaders and decision-makers from the largest and most progressive credit unions in the U.S. and Canada.

Peter Myers of DDJ Myers
Peter Myers
Senior Vice President
DDJ Myers, Ltd.
The opportunities provided by CUESolutions allows us to be further recognized as industry experts in strategic planning, board governance, executive coaching and succession planning for boards and executives. The CUESolutions program amplifies the DDJ Myers offer to an international audience through multiple-channels to an audience that trust CUES. Partnering with CUES has accelerated our company’s brand recognition, allowing us the opportunity to deliver our solutions instead of marketing our services.

Supplier Strategies to Reach CU CEOs

Reaching credit union decision-makers is hard. There are multiple layers in every organization, with pitfalls and gatekeepers at every turn. This guide is an essential tool for navigating your way to the ultimate decision-maker, the CEO.

Download Whitepaper

CUES Members by Asset Size

CUES Members by Title

Unlock the Benefits of CUESolutions

CUESolutions Provider Exclusives:

  • As a CUESolutions provider, you can co-host up to two receptions or dinners, depending on your level of participation, without the worry – CUES does all the planning for you!
  • Enhance your reach with scheduled social media postings throughout various CUES outlets

CUESolutions Member Benefits Chart


Become a CUESolutions Provider Today

CUESolutions will open the door to get you in front of decision makers who have significant influence over budget decisions. Also, you’ll build top-of-mind awareness throughout the credit union space, make great connections and create long-term sales relationships.

Become a CUESolutions provider today and take your sales to the next level by contacting


Building Business Through a High-Profile Platform

Discover how DDJ Myers achieved its five-year revenue goal in just three years and increased their business with CUESolutions.

Download Case Study