Presenter: Michael Daigneault, Principal and Founder, Quantum Governance, L3C
Description: Join Michael Daigneault to hear what’s on the minds of credit union board chairs. We webinar will cover the top five topics Daigneault discussed at the CUES Board Chair Development Seminar earlier in September. Daigneault will share his insights on these five topics as related to overall credit union leadership and governance.
About the Presenter:
Michael Daigneault
Principal and Founder
Quantum Governance, L3C
As the CEO of Quantum Governance, Michael brings more than 30 years of training and experience as a consultant, motivational speaker and dynamic workshop facilitator. With his colleagues and staff, Michael provides a full range of targeted training opportunities in the form of customized seminars, workshops, retreats and keynote speeches. Michael regularly works with organizations of all types to improve the effectiveness of their governance and leadership. In particular, he has worked with credit unions large and small to advance their governance and strategic efforts, strengthen their boards, and analyze their committee efforts. More than 40 percent of Quantum Governance clients are credit unions.
Michael is a nationally-recognized speaker, having presented at conferences including: The Credit Union Executives Society, Board Source, The Conference Board, The Ethics Officers Association and Independent Sector, among others. He is an expert on topics such as governance, ethics and strategic planning for credit unions, businesses, nonprofits, associations and governmental entities. He has published articles on these topics for a wide variety of trade journals and magazines, including: CU Magazine, CU Update, Association Management, The Audit Report, BoardMember Magazine, Catalyst and Executive Update, to name a few.
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