Presenters: Deedee Myers, Ph.D., MSC, PCC, CEO; Peter Myers, MSC, PCC, Senior Vice President, DDJ Myers
Description: Credit unions today must embrace the reality of an upcoming wave of departing CEOs and dial in on the strategic implications of a loosely arranged succession plan versus a strategically adopted approach. The recently published 2018 Leadership Survey, focused exclusively on credit unions, finds that 52 percent of responding credit union CEOs (and 61 percent of the CEOs of $750M+ credit unions) anticipate retiring or moving on to new opportunities within the next six years. Fifty-nine percent of responding board chairs feel the board “definitely [does] not” have a clear successor when the current CEO leaves.
These statistics should invoke a level of engagement and attention on par with the implications of the decision. In other words, strategically and methodically approaching this process will increase the chances of a successful transition for the sake of the organization, the staff and the membership. A piecemeal approach will produce sub-optimal outcomes, and the organization risks an exodus of talent or, worse yet, the retention of under-trained and disengaged executives.
Toward that end, this webinar will provide directors, CEOs and aspiring executives a comprehensive overview of the entire strategic CEO succession planning process, board responsibilities, legacy CEO responsibilities, pre- and post-hiring decisions, onboarding for the new CEO, off-boarding for the departing CEO, the communication strategy and, of course, identification and support to set up aspiring internal candidates for success. While a long-term plan for CEO succession is ideal in concept, many credit unions are faced with a short window to address this transition. Myers will illustrate how to best expedite this strategic process and highlight the key objectives and milestones given an accelerated time line.
Key Takeaways:
- A strategic roadmap for the entire CEO succession planning process
- Clear identification of responsibilities for the board, CEO and internal candidates
- Best practices for identifying, developing and retaining high-performing talent
- Actionable insights to immediately implement
- Sample time lines with milestones for expedited and long-range approaches
About the Presenters:
Deedee Myers, Ph.D., MSC, PCC
DDJ Myers
Deedee is known for being a thought and practice leader in the field of transformative change and organizational evolution for people and organizations. Her work with boards, executive teams, and staff inspire organizations to adopt evolutionary yet pragmatic communication and behavioral practices that add sustainable and intrinsic value. Deedee is widely known for evolutionary strategic planning, deep-seated succession planning from the emerging leader through the board level, generative board practices, and advancing leadership presence and execution so that individuals, teams, and organizations can access untapped potential. She contributes to advancing leadership through frequent speaking engagements, articles, and blogs.
Peter Myers, MSC, PCC
Senior Vice President
DDJ Myers
Peter facilitates professional development programs for executives and management teams, succession planning processes for boards and CEOs, and strategic planning engagements for credit unions nationwide. Weaving together strategy development, critical thinking, and employee engagement to bridge the talent and execution gap is his specialty. On a daily basis, Peter works with teams and boards to unlock and leverage their organizational, team, and individual potential. Peter also co-leads the CEO readiness and talent development program for credit union executives pursuing their next level of career potential and has been a teacher in the award-winning NWCUA/DDJ Myers Emerging Leaders Program since its inception in 2012.
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