This code of professional ethics serves not only as a guide to financial suppliers in dealing with complex business relationships, but also as an assurance for your clients in the corporate community. Please keep in mind that this code, in and of itself, cannot produce ethical behavior. We are striving to foster self-discipline, which depends ultimately on the character of the individual.
The rules of conduct which follow apply to all sponsors involved in the supply of products or services to credit unions or other financial services institutions. Any person associated with a qualified firm is responsible for compliance with these rules of conduct. Sponsors shall not permit others to carry out on their behalf, either with or without compensation, acts which would place them in violation of the Rules of Conduct.
1. Integrity, Objectivity and Competence
1.1 Sponsors shall conform to all laws and regulations relating to their profession or business and shall not engage in any conduct involving fraud, deceit, bribery, misrepresentation or dishonesty in their professional or business activity.
1.2 Sponsors shall not make misleading, deceptive or false statements or claims about their personal or their firm’s professional qualification, experience, or performance.
2. Conference/Meeting Etiquette
2.1 Sponsors shall not solicit business in front of displays not their own. They shall not interrupt or entice prospective clients away when engaged with another supplier. They shall train their personnel in the purpose of the sponsorship opportunity and shall teach business etiquette to staff members.
2.2 Sponsors shall not discriminate against or harass any conference attendee, staff member or exhibitor because of race, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or sexual orientation.
2.3 Sponsors shall not disassemble their displays before appointed time unless special circumstances require, and then only with approval of CUES management.
2.4 Sponsors shall not have loud music, distracting noises, etc. emanating from their display areas that will interfere with other suppliers.
2.5 Sponsors shall not take literature, samples or gifts from, register for the door prizes, or photograph other sponsors without their express permission.
2.6 Sponsors shall not visit other sponsors’ hospitality functions without express invitation from the host sponsor; and if invited, they shall refrain from soliciting business at that function.
2.7 Sponsors shall refrain from willfully interfering with another sponsor’s advertising efforts.
2.8 Sponsors shall award prizes in drawings based on a random selection from among qualified contestants.
Sponsors shall conduct themselves in a professional manner to inspire the confidence, respect and trust of their clients and of the public.
NOTE: It is the responsibility of the official sponsor representative to see that persons staffing the booth and representing their firm at a CUES event be aware of and adhere to the above rules and conduct themselves in a professional manner throughout the event.
Sponsors who are found to be in violation of this Code of Ethics may be asked to leave the sponsor program without reimbursement.
Neither CUES, the event facility, nor any agent or employee thereof, will be liable for any loss or damage to the sponsor’s property from fire, theft or any other cause or for personal injury to agents or employees of the agents or employees of the sponsor. Sponsors desiring special security precautions should arrange for private guard service at their own expense. The sponsor understands that neither CUES, nor the event facility, maintains insurance covering the sponsor’s property and it is the sole responsibility of the sponsor to obtain such insurance.
In no event shall CUES be liable for any indirect or consequential damages. Its liability to the sponsor for any cause not excluded by these contract terms and regulations shall be limited to the amount of the sponsorship payment paid by the sponsor.
The sponsor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless CUES, the event facility, its representatives, employees and agents from any and all claims of property damage, personal injury or any other claims by whosoever sustained including the sponsor, its agents or employees, which claims may be incident to, arise from or be in any way connected with the sponsor’s occupation of display space and which are approximately caused by the negligence of the sponsor, its agents or employees, or which arise from any acts of the sponsor, its agents or employees.
The sponsor agrees that the design and accessibility of their contracted booth(s) complies with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), agrees to hold harmless CUES and the event facility from any liability, damages, costs and expenses, including attorney fees, resulting from legal claims based on real or alleged violations of the Act against the sponsor.
Sponsors may reserve a suite at the event facility by contacting the event hotel. Event facilities have been instructed to give any information requested over the phone but will not accept or confirm reservations for suites unless approved by CUES. Special functions and activities for conference registrants held in the sponsor’s suite must be scheduled at times that do not conflict with conference programming and must receive prior approval from CUES management. Hospitality suites must be invite-only, or all attendees, sponsors and spouses/guests must be welcomed.
CUES shall have sole authority to interpret and enforce all rules and regulations contained herein; to make any reasonable amendments and to make every effort to inform all sponsors of amendments and additional regulations adopted under this section. For further information, contact supplierrelations@cues.org.
CUES’ acceptance of a sponsor at a CUES event does not constitute an endorsement of a given company’s products or services. CUES reserves the right to accept or reject a sponsor based on the belief that its products or services would be of interest and benefit to CUES members.